
Time for a Change

It’s been a while coming. I’ve been feeling run down and tired almost all the time. Getting headaches at least twice a week, sometimes ending up in bed for the day because of them. I know exactly how to help myself, but it seems hard and overwhelming.

You see, I know that grains and processed sugar are the culprits. I’ve done an elimination diet before and they not only affected my energy, but my ability to cope with stress as well.

And so, I am attempting to make a change. My goal is to eliminate grains and processed foods from my diet as much as possible. The problem is time and energy. Today, I am so strapped for energy I can barely think. Which makes me feel like I can’t tackle what is ahead of me, the planning and dedication it will take. But I also remember that it is one day at a time.

I know a lot about eating healthily. I know the best way to gain my energy back, but my battle with emotional eating often gets in the way. As I battle with the stress that comes from working almost full time and raising two highly emotional children, I often have rewarded myself with food. Thank goodness my husband walks with me and helps me.

Venturing into this new place, I post this so that I know that I am not alone, and so that you know you are not alone. Sometimes we have to make changes to be the best we can be. Those changes are almost always difficult to handle. We need each other on our journeys. So, here we go.

DAY 1- Plan

Breakfast: Protein, Carb, Veggies (Smoothie with Protein, Veggies and a Banana)

Lunch: Protein, Carb, Veggies (Chili)

Snack: Protein, Carb, Veggies (Chicken, Pickles, Lentil Chips)

Supper: Protein, Fat, Veggies (Chicken Caeser Salad with Almond Crackers)

Snack: Protein, Fat (Yogurt, nuts, Fruit)

TO DO: Make Hard boiled eggs, Paleo treat for the week, cut up veggies for easy access, muffins for kids