
Waves of Grace

I feel like the last two weeks have been an emotional roller-coaster. September brings the beginnings of so many things, and where I once had balance, I now find I am swept up in a sea of unknowns. They have been weeks of new beginnings, new roles, new experiences…and I have definitely been feeling the stretching and growing pains.

God’s waves of grace have carried me, but now I find myself needing to find firm footing again. My human-ness wants to find that in organizing and planning my life. My anxiety decreases when I know what is going to happen, so planning makes sense.

But that is not what abundant life is, I’ve realized. Abundant life is having firm footing on our creator. Trusting that the paths that He leads us on will lead to the right places at the right times. It is resting under His wings, knowing that whatever life throws our way will not defeat us.

I have not been living this way in the past few weeks. I have allowed my relationship with God to be pushed aside by the busyness of all of these new things. I have allowed myself to try and control my life, only realizing that I can’t fix as much as I thought I could. I have allowed feelings of failure, fear and hopelessness to take over my attitude and my actions.

I am convicted to seek to change that, and it all begins with G.

God: the only one who can hold my life in His hands and make sense of the chaos.

Gaze of Gratefulness: being grateful turns my gaze from myself and my circumstance to God and the blessings he has placed on each day. No matter how bad things are, God always give us glimpses of truth to give us hope.

Grace: grace is a wonderful mystery. I don’t think I will ever fully understand the depth of love that it stems from, but I am so thankful that God has so freely given grace to me. It covers over my failures and my weaknesses and fills in the gaps that my human-ness leaves behind.

And as I experience God, turning my gaze to gratefulness and grace, I hope to see and feel a change in my heart and soul. Leading me to a new security in Him. A confidence, not in myself or my plans, but in Him and in His plans. I have learned from experience that my capabilities and dreams are nothing compared to the ones that God has for me. What will life be like as I accept them?.

” Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20-21